Work remotely from home, stay productive, stay secure

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

In this blog, originally written during the coronavirus pandemic and updated in June 2022, we discuss how to work remotely from home, get connected, stay secure, and tools you can use.

The coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak had a dramatic impact on all our work and family lives. During uncertain times, technology can help keep the economic wheels turning. One of the immediate outcomes of the crisis was that many people worked remotely from home, which helped slow the spread of the virus. Although remote working might have been new to many people in 2020, it had been growing steadily in popularity. Over 4 million UK employees worked regularly from home during 2018.1

Benefits of remote working

Working remotely has all sorts of benefits for employees and businesses alike. Home workers tend to be more productive than their office-based colleagues. Remote workers are ranked 7.7 out of ten for productivity while office-based staff are ranked 6.5.2 Under normal circumstances, remote workers tend to be happier and less stressed. Studies show that many office desks sit empty for 50 to 60% of the time.3 According to Global Workplace Analytics, businesses could save an average £9,000 per year for every member of staff who works remotely half the time.4 And prior to the pandemic, 90% of UK employees said they would like to work from home part of the time.5 Research also shows that having the flexibility to work remotely from home can improve staff retention. The average cost of replacing an employee for a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) is £12,000.6

Home office

The first thing you need to consider when you intend to work remotely from home is a dedicated workspace. If you are able, set up a small desk in a quiet part of your home. Agree some ground rules and explain to your family that when you are in your workspace you should not be disturbed. Creating a separate space will help prepare you mentally for work mode.

Develop a routine

Some people will find working remotely more of a challenge than others. Developing a daily work routine will help you maintain your focus and achieve objectives. What’s more, routines are proven to have psychological benefits such as reducing stress and anxiety.7 Once a task becomes a habit, it is much easier to perform. As well as dedicated worktime, you should also schedule breaks into your routine.

Get connected

You will need remote access to your organisation’s IT network and systems. Typically, this means having a secure laptop computer, ideally less than 3-years old, and home broadband service. If you don’t have broadband at home, then a SIM card or mobile dongle will get you on the Internet. Even the most basic telephone system should allow you to forward calls from the office to your mobile or home number. Organisations with Cloud telephony can install softphones on workers’ computers and mobiles. A softphone is an app that mimics all the features of a desktop phone with voice, data and video carried over the Internet.

Security first

Having staff access systems from outside your organisation’s network and firewall creates an added security risk. That is why Modern Networks recommends that organisations adopt multi-factor authentication (MFA) for access control. Just using a password is extremely insecure. MFA is a combination of something you know (your password) and something you have (usually an app that generates a random six-digit code on your mobile phone). Ideally, devices should also be encrypted and properly backed up to ensure data protection.


You can use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) while working remotely. A VPN allows you to connect to your organisation’s private network from the Internet securely. Many organisations like Modern Networks provide VPN services to our clients. However, VPN should be used sensibly, and locked down by your IT administrator or service provider to maintain security and minimise risks.

Your office in the Cloud

Microsoft 365 is a great platform for any organisation wishing to introduce remote working. First, Microsoft 365 is Cloud-based, enabling you to work from anywhere, on any device. All you need is the Internet. You don’t need a VPN connection. Next, you get all the familiar Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Additionally, you get OneDrive Cloud storage, SharePoint file management and Teams communications and collaboration tools. You can make calls, host video meetings, schedule projects and work across multiple devices with Teams. It also integrates with numerous Microsoft and third-party apps, making it easy to customise to meet your unique business needs.

The support you need

Once at home, it is important your staff receive ongoing technical support from your IT department or service provider. Having friendly, skilled and sympathetic IT service engineers at the end of the phone can make the transition to remote working much easier. Most IT issues can be fixed quickly, easily and remotely. However, even the best Service Desks will not be able to fix every incident immediately. They will keep you fully informed of what is happening and estimate when an incident is likely to be resolved. One last point, a good IT managed service provider will not just be there to fix problems. They will be monitoring your network performance, scheduling preventative maintenance, and working to ensure your systems are secure. Additionally, they will be considering what IT solutions and infrastructure your organisation will need to meet tomorrow’s objectives.

Making the most of your time

According to research, the average UK commute takes up to an hour a day. Londoners tend to have the longest commute times with an average of 81 minutes.8 That’s a lot of time stuck on crowded trains or sitting in traffic. Working from home enables you to claw back some of that valuable time. It might mean an extra hour in bed, the opportunity to get some exercise or improving your professional skills. LinkedIn, Coursera, Udemy and edX are just some of the many online learning platforms that offer an amazing choice of free and paid educational courses.

Remote, not alone

One of the downsides of working remotely from home is a feeling of isolation, even loneliness. Luckily, many of the tools mentioned earlier in this article can help prevent a feeling of social isolation. They enable teams to stay in touch and meet face-to-face using video conferencing. Similarly, starting an online course or going out for some exercise can reduce feelings of isolation. Many organisations use internal social networks such Workplace from Meta and Slack to create online communities and to strengthen teams.

Where to work

Today, the worst of the pandemic has subsided. Nevertheless, working remotely from home has become an extremely popular alternative to the daily commute. Around 60% of the UK workforce worked remotely during the first coronavirus lockdown. 26% of UK workers plan to continue working permanently from home or adopt a hybrid model. Hybrid working is a flexible approach that allows employees to split their time between working in the office and from home.9

Certainly, we have the tools and technologies to ensure that everyone can communicate and cooperate as productively as possible wherever they work.

The little book of remote working

To complement this article, we have produced a 9-page guide that briefly summaries how to work remotely, stay productive and stay secure.

Download the little book of remote working.

Contact us

To learn more about how Modern Networks can help you set up and support staff working remotely, contact us now.

