Office computer equipment needs an upgrade

Thursday, June 30th, 2022

computer chip

Does your business struggle to keep obsolete IT hardware running? Outdated computer equipment can put your organization at a competitive disadvantage. Obsolete hardware can also be a security risk. However, the global pandemic disrupted the supply of microchips, which means replacement hardware is harder to obtain and more expensive. That’s why you need to plan, and work with a partner who can provide the IT services and support you need for an affordable monthly subscription.

Struggling to maintain obsolete computer equipment?

Does your IT hardware need an update? Typically, outdated computer hardware is prone to errors and failures. Old IT systems are more vulnerable to cyberattacks and data breaches. Antiquated hardware is expensive and difficult to maintain. Legacy IT equipment is often incompatible with newer systems. And finally, having to rely on outdated computers and dodgy network equipment is frustrating, inconvenient and unproductive.

Why persist with outdated hardware?

Organizations continue to run obsolete IT equipment because of the costs and inconvenience of modernizing. However, the costs and inconvenience of maintaining old hardware increases every year.

What and when to update

The lifespan of office IT equipment differs depending on the type of device and manufacturer. The following is just a rough guide to when old hardware is likely to need an update:

  • Multi-function printers: 3-5 years
  • Servers: 4-5 years
  • Desktop computers: 4 years
  • Laptop computers: 3 years
  • Smartphones: 2 years

Plan to avoid disappointment

The global pandemic disrupted the supply of computer equipment. Intel’s Chief Executive estimates the worldwide shortage of microchips will continue for another two years. That’s why it is important you start planning now for the new hardware your business will need over the next few years.

How can Modern Networks help you?

Modern Networks can help you identify your IT requirements and plan for your future needs. We enjoy excellent vendor relationships, enabling us to secure equipment ready for when you need it.

The price of purchasing

Today, more people work remotely than ever before. Therefore, demand for computer equipment has increased but inventory is low. As a result, the price of computers, printers and servers continues to increase. Of course, purchasing is not your only option.

The benefits of managed IT services

When you’re looking to replace old hardware, the upfront cost can be too steep for some businesses. As a managed service provider, Modern Networks provides the IT services and support you need for an affordable fixed monthly fee. This makes planning and budgeting much easier. What’s more, IT managed services are 100% tax deductible.

Act now

Contact our sales team today to learn more about the benefits of IT managed services.

You can call us now on 01462 426500 to tell us what you need or email