To obtain technical support you should contact the Modern Networks Service Desk by telephone or email within business hours. Please refer to your Service Level Agreement (SLA) for response guidelines. Please note, it’s always better to call the Service Desk so that we can fully understand what you need and get the priority right first time.
Call the Service Desk
A Modern Networks service engineer will endeavour to resolve the fault over the telephone or by remote access to your IT systems.
Please call 01462 426500 (press 1)
Please call 01392 247365
Client portal
Check status of service tickets and receive incident alerts.
Tech support
Download a copy of our Service Desk information leaflet.
Email the service desk
Please explain the nature of the fault briefly.
Your email will instantly raise a service ticket.
You will receive confirmation.
Service ticket escalation
Depending on the nature of the IT incident and its priority, you might want to escalate your case.
To raise an escalation your case must meet the following criteria:
Failed SLA, poor service, lack of progress of a case, tight deadline (e.g. leaver for today).
For all service ticket escalations:
Call 01462 425540