How to setup your new router

In this short video we look at how to setup your new router out of the box.

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What is a router?

Routers are small electronic devices that join multiple computer networks together via a wired or wireless connection.

A router forwards data between computer networks, creating an overlay inter-network. They are connected to two or more data lines from different networks. When data comes in one of the lines, the router reads the address information in the data to determine its ultimate destination. Then, using information in its routing table or routing policy, it directs the data to the next network on its journey.

Routers perform the “traffic directing” functions on the Internet. A data packet is typically forwarded from one router to another through the networks that constitute the inter-network until it reaches its destination. The most familiar type of routers are home and small office routers that simply pass data, such as web pages, email, IM, and videos between computers and the Internet.

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